Urgent requirement for office

วันอังคารที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554
When I was in fourth grade all the kids that we table for children. You know, one that combines a chair at the table with screws so you have such a property chair / table is a real connection? Well, my boy, I've always wondered why we were in school before the fact, when all tables were movable chairs. I mean, why the lives of children sitting in the Straits of cases? What makes the decision of the district, the spread of heavy items, like furniture? I thought about these problems again "(because apparently I have no life) and have found several reasons for a table, such as:. 1) can move fixed benches chairs appropriate for children's furniture for children and adjust your position often now, it sounds as bad as it is not deleted. the mobility of a child, but in this case, in schools, the movement is a great loss and confusion in the classroom. Teachers have much constantly scooting his chair and chair scooting forward. I truly believe are the concrete floors that poor children do not (not all), again with much in their chairs and head. Then there is the constant noise, creaking chairs, nose, constantly through the people scooting their chairs back and forth created, and the explosion of the mass, which declines when finally given up occurs. Stand still so consistently uncompromising life of a child. Scooting it screams, no, nor have the inclination, so that eventually would have. 2) There is no agreement with the President of the United / table that could benefit from this class. Have you ever noticed that when you have mobile offices and chairs in any way different? Do you have a chair with only three feet (probably the result of a fatal crash). You are a ruthless President squeaks when you move. You presidency, regardless of moves in an attempt to balance an unusual angle. Then there is only one chair, the future of luxury, comfort, no idea where it came from, but everyone wants and fights well. And each seat has a different color and different. Have you tried this right the first time? And the school environment, a variety of chairs can mess mean, for nine years president of the sharpener and eraser, begins and to win stuffed animals, or frustrated, and just pull the chair out the window or a chair, a network always unbalanced jumping dangerous. Ok, I know that is not so bad, but I've seen a man throw the gum forum. But President / table as a whole in the same office, and you need not worry about the confusion that can be unloaded rubber classroom.3) combo chair / table (name? Care to) support. Why? Since it is a small office space disadvantage. In traditional schools, is an extension of the office space, you can have crayons in one direction to move the letters in the opposite direction, and still have enough room to put his head to nap before the conference. Regional Chairman / table combos (seriously, what's his name?) Is to halve the table and force him to choose a mode, a paper / pencil and a nap room. Usually decides to take a nap to, or in space than the paper / pen to replace the space in my place, like a nap, but you can play with him. But the lack of available forces students that space more wisely. 4) There is really no reason why the fourth could not say. What I say here? They are encouraging consistency forced school furniture? We adhere strictly to cultural property and keep the lack of flexibility in the class? It seems so, but not all. I do not deny that the President Combo / table is an excellent tool for schools, but I must tell you, is today a disturbing fact: People actually the bank CD (what I call itnews!) School, too. Seriously. I have to fourteen X number of pounds more, and eight feet higher than I was in fourth grade, but I am four years old and still in their chairs when they were in the fourth. Is not it funny? Not so angry and sad as I am? Well, maybe evil is too strong and bitter words, but try to tell the whole picture.

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